Confiscation of property under second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 27.
6. (1) Where an order of confiscation of property under sub-section (1) of section 27 has been made, the Adjudicating Authority shall send a copy of the order to the Authorised Officer.
(2) Where an order referred to in sub-rule (1) has been received by the Authorised Officer in respect of any immovable property, he shall,—
(i) forthwith issue notice to the authority of the Central Government or a State Government, as case may be, having jurisdication for the purposes of registration of such immovable property, intimating about the confiscation of the property;
(ii)arrange to place copy of the notice at some conspicuous part of the immovable property for the benefit of general public mentioning clearly therein, in English and in vernacular language, that the property has been confiscated under the Act and vests absolutely in the Central Government;
(iii)arrange to make a proclamation for the confiscation of immovable property at some place on or near such property by beat of drum or other customary mode.
(3) Where an order referred to in sub-rule (1) has been received by the Authorised Officer in respect of any movable property, he shall,—
(i) forthwith issue a notice to the authority or person having the custody of such movable property informing him about the confiscation of such property; or
(ii) sell the property, if the property is liable to speedy and natural decay or the expenses for maintenance is likely to exceed its value, with the leave of the concerned Adjudicating Authority, and deposit the sale proceeds in the nearest Government Treasury or branch of the State Bank of India or its subsidiaries or in any nationalised bank in fixed deposit and retain the receipt thereof:
Provided that where the owner of the property furnishes the fixed deposit receipt of State Bank of India or its subsidiaries or a nationalised bank equivalent to the value of property in the name of Administrator, the authorised officer may accept and retain such fixed deposit receipt as security:
Provided further that where the movable property is a mode of conveyance of any description, the authorised officer, after obtaining its valuation report from the Motor Licensing Authority or any other authority, as the case may be, may accept and retain the fixed deposit receipt of State Bank of India or its subsidiaries or a nationalised bank, equivalent to the value of the movable property as security in the name of Administrator;
(iii) cause to deposit the property consisting of cash, Government or other securities or bullion or jewellery or other valuables in a locker in the name of the Administrator or in the form of fixed deposit, as the case may be, in State Bank of India or its subsidiaries or in any nationalised bank and retain the receipt thereof;
(iv) cause to get the property in the form of shares, debentures, units of Mutual Fund or instruments to be transferred in favour of Administrator;
(v) issue a direction to the bank or financial institution, as the case may be, to transfer and credit the money to the account of the Administrator, where the property is in the form of money lying in a bank or a financial institution.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, an "Authorised Officer" means an Income Tax Officer who is authorised by the Adjudicating Authority in this behalf.